Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The Better Chip: Product Review #2 (New Spinach & Kale with Sea Salt)

Offers to review products seem to come in cycles for me. I don't accept most of the ones I receive. They really have to relate to my blog values, represent how I choose to cook and eat and be something I would actually purchase myself. After a spate of ones that didn't match up--like fireplace logs (um... it's summer AND I live in Hawaii), bacon and pork products (I had to turn down the nice woman several times assuring her that since I went meat-free a few years ago there are plenty of other blogs people would think to visit for meat recipes) ;-), and a diet book for smokers (just hmm...). Finally, when Michael from The Better Chip emailed me last month and asked if I would be willing to try their newest flavor--Spinach & Kale with Sea Salt. I immediately said hell yeah! yes please! 

I reviewed The Better Chip last year (you can read that review here) and really enjoyed the flavor of the chips and the quality of the ingredients. I love me some greens and wanted to see how the new Spinach and Kale flavor would taste. (Also, the company sent me a super-soft, women's cut tee-shirt last year that I love and have about worn to death and I was really hoping for another.

My box from The Better Chip arrived with a large bag of Spinach & Kale with Sea Salt, small bags of their four other flavors (Corn with Sea Salt, Sweet Onions with White Cheddar, Red Peppers with Salsa Fresca and Jalapeno with Sea Salt), AND another tee-shirt! (I think I adore this even softer grey shirt {upper right corner of collage} with a avocado-ish green heart more than my green one from last year.)   

Now we can debate the whole health aspect of chips in general, and I am not here to tell you that snacking on chips is better than carrot sticks, but hey, sometimes the urge to grab a handful of crispy corn chippy goodness strikes and when it does, I prefer to pick a chip that is made with natural ingredients. 

The Better Chip offers:
  • All Natural and made with fresh Non GMO ingredients
  • Gluten-Free
  • Made in a completely nut-free environment on a line dedicated only to tortilla products
  • Vegan-friendly (except for the Sweet Onion with White Cheddar flavor)

Check out the ingredient label for the Spinach & Kale chips: Corn Masa Flour, Sunflower and/or Canola Oil, Spinach, Kale, Sea Salt. Simple, natural and absolutely nothing you can't identify or pronounce. The chips are a gorgeous green, not from food coloring, but from the actual spinach and kale that is in the chips. A serving of 1 oz--about 1/2 the bag or 10ish chips is 130 calories, 11% fat, 100 mg sodium and 35% of your vitamin A and 110% of vitamin K for the day. Not a bad choice when the urge for a chip strikes.

Taste-wise, The Better Chip's tagline is "The Flavor is Inside"--they have enough great flavor that you don't necessarily need to dip them, but of course you can. The Spinach & Kale have that sweet fresh green taste from the leafy greens but not the bitterness. They are definitely munchable right from the bag like the other flavors. I also found them a perfect match for homemade hummus mixed in a bowl with the Red Peppers with Salsa Fresca flavor. I also really like to cool a little of the fire of the Jalapeno with Sea Salt chips with guacamole. Mmm...

The Better Chip's products are not everywhere yet (although you can order them at Amazon and you can look up where to buy them in your state at the locator on the website). In fact, I was going to lament that I couldn't get them here in Hawaii but, the other day on my way out from a mad lunchtime dash for a brown rice ahi sushi roll from the Safeway deli, I saw a small rack with some bags of them. Sadly no Spinach & Kale, my new favorite, but I plan to investigate further and make a request--maybe while wearing my tee-shirt!  ;-)

Note: Although the chips and tee-shirt were provided to me from The Better Chip in order to do an honest review, I received no monetary compensation for the review and my opinions (and picky tee-shirt standards) ;-) as always, remain my own.


  1. absolutely LOVE these chips!! so simple and good

  2. Hi Sue, I haven't tried the beet chips yet but I get the spinach kale ones regularly and like the flavor. To me they have a slight and pleasant taste of greens. And although I am not familair with the beet chips, beets leach out their color very readily (like in a salad when next to something damp, or I make a beet tzatziki that turns the yogurt red) when compared to other veggies so I wouldn't be too worried about the red in the water.


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