Souper (Soup, Salad, & Sammie) Sundays
at Kahakai Kitchen
at Kahakai Kitchen
Details and Guidelines for Participating
What is Souper Sundays?
Souper Sundays is a weekly blog event that started because of my love of soup and a desire to work through the many soup and soup-like recipes in my cookbooks and magazines, I set a goal to make a soup or "soupish" dish each week and post it each Sunday and invited others to do the same. (In May 2009, Souper Sunday opened up to include soups, salads and sandwiches or sammies--see details below.) Although soup will still be the main focus, adding salads and sandwiches opened it up so that others who might not make soup as often in the warmer weather can participate. Plus who doesn't love a good salad or sandwich recipe?!
New Format! After a 6-month hiatus due to personal reasons, Souper Sundays came back in 2016 and is now formatted as a weekly picture link that people can add their dishes to throughout the week. I do a round up of the previous week's links on the following Sunday's post, highlighting some or all (depending on the number) of the posts that were linked up.
Some Common Questions about Souper Sundays:
What counts as a soup?
Soups of course but also chowders, stews, "stroups," curries, chili, soupy slow cooker dishes, etc. Really anything that is comfort food, brothy or saucy or eaten with a spoon or served in a bowl. If you aren't sure if what you made counts--just ask!
What about sandwiches and salads?
We are pretty open about what constitutes those as well! Hot or cold salads, fruit, grain, veggie, pasta... if it seems like a salad-ish side dish it will work. For sandwiches--open-faced, wraps, foods between two other foods... you get the picture! Again, if you aren't sure shoot me an email and ask or just link it up.
Do I have to make or post my soup, salad or sammie on Sunday?:
Nope! You can make and post your soup any time during the week, as long as it is linked up to the post while it is live for that week. If you miss that week's live link, link it up to the new post on Sunday.
Do I have to make or post my soup, salad or sammie on Sunday?:
Nope! You can make and post your soup any time during the week, as long as it is linked up to the post while it is live for that week. If you miss that week's live link, link it up to the new post on Sunday.
What do I need to do to participate?
On the weekly link up post AT KAHAKAI KITCHEN
- Link up your soup, salad, or sandwich dish, (preferably one from the current week or month--but we'll take older posts too) on the picture linky for the current week's post.
- Make sure you link your actual post URL and not your blog URL and picture to the linkup.
- Include your name/blog name on the description if you like.
- Leave a comment on that link up post so I am sure not to miss you.
On your soup's post ON YOUR BLOG:
- please mention Souper (Soup, Salad & Sammies) Sundays at Kahakai Kitchen and link back to this post.
- you are welcome to add the wonderful Souper Sundays logo badge (created by Ivy at Kopiaste) to your post and/or blog (optional).
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Can I send you old posts of soups, salads, and sandwiches that I have made and posted previously?
Just to keep things fresh and current please send new posts of your soups, salads and sandwiches or posts (new is defined as within the current month) rather than old posts.
Can I participate in Souper Sundays if I made my soup, salad or sandwich for another event?
Sure! The more events the merrier! ;-) Just make sure that you follow the above guidelines and always include a mention of Kahakai Kitchen/Souper Sundays as well as a link to it in your post along with the information you post for your other event(s).
I don't think I can make a soup every Sunday--can I still participate?
Of course! Come by whenever you want to share. That's the great thing about soup--it feeds a little or a lot. Now that we are also accepting salads and sandwiches or "sammies", hopefully you can stop by more often!
Hopefully that answers all of your Souper (Soup, Salad & Sammie) Sundays questions! If not, email me at
I hope to share some soup with you soon!